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Free Transformational Movement Lesson #2

2019-07-04 10.02.27 (1).jpg

Whether you are in good health or have a limiting diagnosis, come and experience an innovative Transformational Movement Lesson to wake up your brain and create new neural patterns that increase strength, flexibility, and vitality.

Taught by Sean Williams, the lesson is based on the Anat Baniel Method® NeuroMovement, and can help you:

  • Overcome aches and pains

  • Sleep better

  • Increase strength and flexibility throughout your body

  • Sharpen your thinking and awareness

  • Discover ease and joy in all movement

Sean will guide you verbally through specific, highly crafted sequences of gentle movements while you are lying, sitting or standing. As you move slowly with attention and explore variations in your movement you will discover and build on new neural pathways that create possibilities for easier movement and improve your capacity for coping with changes and challenges.

As you explore, the nervous system adjusts and people frequently experience greater calmness, stillness and organisation of their mind and emotions, alongside greater ease, strength and flexibility of movement.

The lessons are also an excellent way to understand your child and what is vital to their learning process. Sean encourages all families he works with to do Transformational Movement Lessons for themselves so that they can understand in their experience the value of and how to apply the 9 Essentials of NeuroMovement with their child.

Here is what one recent attendee and parent of one of our clients had to say about their experience of these classes last year:

“Doing these online NeuroMovement lessons was really good and helpful. It created a little calm oasis in my life and allowed me to notice things that I wouldn’t normally be aware of”.

Live online audio connection is via Zoom.

Places will be limited so please email Sean to book your free place.