What is Feldenkrais?


The Feldenkrais Method® is a unique and practical educational method focusing on learning and movement, which can bring about improved movement and enhanced functioning.

Feldenkrais teachers use precise and gentle movement along with skilled touch to provide the brain with the sensory information it needs to change old unhelpful habits.

People have found it brings relief from tension and muscular pain, greater relaxation and well-being, improved performance in sport, dance, music and drama, more ease in everyday activities and increased vitality. 

Feldenkrais can also help children and adults with learning differences to maximise their potential through simple and gentle movements.

It is named after its originator, Moshe Feldenkrais (1904-1984).

Anat Baniel was a close professional associate of Moshe Feldenkrais and used his powerful and innovative work as the foundation of her Anat Baniel Method NeuroMovement.

“I have been running a HANDLE Programme for my son with autism at the Brighton Learning House for many years but just started having Feldenkrais for myself and I am totally over the moon with this gentle and yet such efficient method. I normally suffer constant pain on my neck and shoulders and headaches from bad posture and other attempts at treatment with Physiotherapists only made the pain worse. With Feldenkrais it is the first time I feel genuine relief and I can sit and walk in a proper posture because it feels natural to me not because I am forcing it. I couldn’t recommend it more!” -Simone Taylor, parent